Massage Prices

60 Minutes suggested price $75-125
90 Minutes suggested price $105-175
120 Minutes suggested price $145-225

Packages of three and five massages are also available at a discounted rate for those who need continuing therapy.



Scholarships are available by application for some whose massage needs outweigh their financial ability.


Why Sliding Scale?

We understand that chronic pain can be a tough journey, and we're here to walk it with you. At VTFBW we believe that the healing touch of massage therapy is a true game-changer, especially when it comes to easing chronic pain and discomfort. We're committed to breaking down financial barriers so that everyone who seeks this relief can access it, irrespective of their budget.

Introducing our Sliding Scale Pricing: It's designed to bring the importance of massage within reach for all. We offer different price points to cater to diverse needs, ensuring that you can choose the one that fits you best. And here's the ripple effect: when you opt for a higher price, you're not just investing in your own well-being – you're also contributing to our ability to offer reduced rates and scholarships to those who truly need them.

We invite those who can afford the full price to join us in this cycle of healing and support. Your generosity has a direct impact on making sure no one is left behind on their journey towards wellness. As profits are reinvested back into the heart of our mission, the power of healing reaches even further.

So, whether you're seeking pain relief, holistic rejuvenation, or just a moment of tranquility, our sliding scale pricing is here to make it possible. Take a step toward your own well-being while creating positive change in the lives of others.

Your journey begins here – choose your price, embrace the healing, and let's make a difference together.