My Massage Philosophy

Rather than working solely on the soft tissue, a focus to the nervous system through neuromuscular therapy has expanded not only the effectiveness of my work but also the multitude of different bodies capable of being worked on. People who once thought that massage was not for them based on personal insecurities or intense pain levels are candidates for this deep tissue modality that is both minimally invasive and accessible for all pain thresholds. I wish to continue finding modalities and creating bodywork that is wholesome and healing to clients who are unable to find relief through other medical outlets.

My goal for every massage is to give my client the experience they are hoping for. I believe that the best modality suited for each person is the one they believe will benefit them the most. Part of Neuromuscular Therapy is creating an environment and sense of touch that the client is invested in, which is arguably one of the most difficult tasks. I have found that when I am able to create a session where the person on the table is as invested in their own healing as I am, the work is more efficient and the client leaves feeling fulfilled both physically and spiritually. Incorporating a wide array of modalities and tailoring each session to what my client is interested in working on as well as maintaining open communication during the session has proven to create some of the most remarkable transformations in structural integrity, pain level, and mind/body connection that I have experienced in my massage career.